Consultant Request for Qualifications
02/05/2025 | Seeking Experienced Consultants to Perform Annual Bridge, Facility and Infrastructure Inspections for the Rainbow, Whirlpool Rapids & Lewiston-Queenston Bridges | John Mahar | Overview |
11/06/2024 | Seeking Engineering Consultant Services for the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge Wearing Surface Replacement and Queenston Plaza Truck Pre-Primary and Post-Toll Concrete Pavement Project For the Niagara Falls Bridge Commission | John Mahar | Overview |
04/05/2023 | The Niagara Falls Bridge Commission seeks qualified Engineering/Architectural Consultant Services for exterior building envelope (stair, roof, masonry, and window), interior building finish and foundation wall rehabilitation and Building Demolition at the Whirlpool Rapids Bridge Canada Plaza Buildings. | Rob Koert | Overview |
04/05/2023 | The Niagara Falls Bridge Commission seeks qualified Engineering Consultant/Architectural Services for roof and joint sealant replacement; masonry and skylight rehabilitation; exterior painting; interior renovations; concrete curb, concrete sidewalk and concrete/asphalt pavement rehabilitation at the US Rainbow, US Whirlpool, Lewiston & Administration Building sites. | Rob Koert | Overview |
04/06/2023 | The Niagara Falls Bridge Commission seeks qualified Engineering Consultant Services for Skewback Anchor Bolt & Steel Rehabilitation and Painting at the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge and Approach Span Bearing and Joint Painting at the Rainbow Bridge. The Consultant will be working in both the US & Canada. | Rob Koert | Overview |
Notice: Organizations that tender directly to the Commission must be prequalified. Click here for the Consultant Prequalification Form.
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